Jackie Huggins AM FAHA
Why I am Voting YES
We all want a future that is peaceful and prosperous. Our lives are intertwined with often complex issues which confront us.
But this is a simple question with a number of answers. Personally I want change after working for decades in Aboriginal affairs and reconciliation. I have seen governments, politicians and bureaucrats come and go. But we are still here.
Image credit: Mana Salsali
Policies, programs, legislation attempting to shift the dial to overcome drastic statistics such as incarceration, child removal, Close The Gap, to name a few have failed. The system is broken and we all need to fix it.
I want the next generation of leaders to have a smoother ride than their previous leaders have had. And what a promising generation we have coming up. Young people who are culturally and morally sound. They have been grounded in their own cultures, their life experiences and the teachings of senior people and Elders. They also have been educated in the western sense, having degrees and other qualifications to navigate their worlds.
I am voting YES because I want to see a bigger future past the Referendum. This will be for all of us – not just Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It will be about unity and not division, mark my words. Writing YES will open the doors and opportunities. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity whereby everyone can determine and have a say in the nation building of our country.
Ignore the fear mongering and racist propositions that are being put forward in the current debate. The sky didn’t fall in when Native Title, Mabo and the Apology arrived and this is no different. It is an act to correct the wrongs of the past, the dismal failure of governments to hear, listen, act and implement the wishes of Indigenous peoples which may have changed the life circumstances of our people. That’s why I am voting YES.
In voting YES we vote for treaties, self determination, reconciliation, unity and so much more. The work will go on for generations after us. And remember for all of us History is indeed Calling.